Raining Money

As I narrowed my focus on this recurring panel of money raining over a particular concept or thing, I realized that there’s a lot of money going into different places when climate change is in the equation. The abstract model that I created based on Philippe Squarzoni’s Climate Changed, led me to the conclusion that while some energy companies profit, the economy still suffers a great amount from climate change.

While reading Climate Changed, I only possessed surface level knowledge regarding the amount of money spent of climate change. Of course hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters can cost millions of dollars. But how much money is being spent on promoting renewable energy and limiting detrimental energy sources like fossil fuels and natural gasses? Are companies doing enough to make an impact or just enough to meet a profitable income? How much does climate change impact the economy? These questions resonated inside me causing me to interpret the raining money element in Squarzoni’s Climate Changed. 


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